Félagsmiðstöðvar og ungmennahús

Tvö mismunandi erindi í boði eftir aldri. og fjallað er meðal annars um
5.-7. bekkur:
Fjölbreytileikinn, kynþroski, kynfæri, túr, örrugara kynlíf, sjálfsfróun samþykki og mörk
8.-10. bekkur
fjölbreytileika, kynfærin, sjálfsfróun, kynlífsánægju, samþykki, mörk og öruggara kynlíf og kynsjúkdómapróf
Spurningar velkomnar og nafnlausar spurningar í lokin
Hentar einnig í sértækum félagsmiðstöðum fyrir fötluð börn.
Nafnlausar spurningar
Ég leiði, ásamt starfsfólki, svokölluð „trúnó“ kvöld. Ungmennin skrifa nafnlausar spurningar á miða og setja í skál og þær eru lesnar upp af mér og starfsfólki. Förum í gegnum þær saman, gefum pásu ef þarf til að bæta við spurningum.
Ég og starfsfólk verðum búin að lauma einnig nokkrum spurningum ofan í, gott tækifæri til að ræða ef ákveðin málefni hafa verið að koma upp í starfinu sem þarf spjall um.
Full day course approx. 8:30-15:30
For who:
The course is suitable for all those who work in community centers, both managers and other staff, who want to improve their knowledge and increase their confidence in discussing and educating the young people who apply for the job about sex and sexual health. In doing so, we build trust so that the young people know that they are met with respect and are confident that they know of a reliable person to turn to with all their questions and concerns that come with being a genderqueer.
About what:
In the course we review sex education and queerness.
Then we will look at how we can introduce sex education in a more targeted way into our work, both formally and informally. How we respond to information about sexual violence and what are the indications that violence has taken place. Of course, we then go over how we answer questions about sex, for example when the teenagers ask us "But how many people have you slept with?".
Review of the course:
"Indiana came and stayed with us, the staff of Múlaþing's community centers, for a whole day. She was very professional, organized and fun and took us both for a specific review and then more deeply to strengthen our own education. Indíana clearly knows what she is doing and does it well." - Bylgja Borgthórsdóttir, Sports and Youth Director of Múlaþing